FC Progrès Niederkorn Luxembourg


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 19.03.2012.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of FC Progrès Niederkorn in the season 2011/2012

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Laurence Weibel Laurence Weibel
Goalkeeper, 22 years
Luxembourg FC Progrès Niederkorn
Catherine Scholtes Catherine Scholtes
Goalkeeper (TW), 17 years
Luxembourg FC Progrès Niederkorn
Andreia Machado Andreia Machado
Defence, 16 years
Swift Hesperange
Jana Bettendorff Jana Bettendorff
Defence, 18 years
Luxembourg FC Progrès Niederkorn
Sarah Nezi Sarah Nezi
Defence, 17 years
Luxembourg FC Progrès Niederkorn
Tania Carina Andrade Goncalves Tania Carina Andrade Goncalves
Defence, 24 years
Portugal FC Progrès Niederkorn
Bonnie Hansen Bonnie Hansen
Defence, 21 years
Luxembourg FC Progrès Niederkorn
Noémie Tiberi Noémie Tiberi
Defence, 20 years
Luxembourg FC Progrès Niederkorn
Tamara Aniset Tamara Aniset
Defence, 24 years
Luxembourg SC Bettembourg
Melany Da Costa Pereira Melany Da Costa Pereira
Midfield, 19 years
Luxembourg FC Progrès Niederkorn
Carmen Rosinha Carmen Rosinha
Midfield, 30 years
Portugal FC Progrès Niederkorn
Rachel Bettmer Rachel Bettmer
Midfield, 17 years
Luxembourg FC Progrès Niederkorn
Sonia Tremont Sonia Tremont
Midfield, 19 years
Luxembourg FC Progrès Niederkorn
Juliana Patricia Andrade Machado Juliana Patricia Andrade Machado
Midfield, 17 years
Portugal FC Progrès Niederkorn
Sabrina Deda Sabrina Deda
Striker, 17 years
Luxembourg Racing FC Union
Kelly Collart Kelly Collart
Striker, 18 years
Luxembourg FC Progrès Niederkorn
Amy Thompson Amy Thompson
Striker (RA), 17 years
Luxembourg Swift Hesperange

Foreign players: 3 (17,6 %)