FC Luzern U19 (-2024) Switzerland

 FC Luzern U17 (-2024)   


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 25.03.2019.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of FC Luzern U19 (-2024) in the season 2018/2019

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Lea van Weezenbeek Lea van Weezenbeek
Goalkeeper (TW), 19 years
Switzerland FC Luzern
Michèle Schnider Michèle Schnider
Defence, 18 years
FC Luzern
Julia Pirker Julia Pirker
Defence, 18 years
Switzerland FC Küssnacht a/R
Michelle Marfurt Michelle Marfurt
Defence, 17 years
Switzerland FC Sempach
Tanja Hengartner Tanja Hengartner
Defence, 16 years
Switzerland vereinslos
Laura Hadorn Laura Hadorn
Defence, 17 years
Switzerland pausiert
Leonie Christen Leonie Christen
Defence, 17 years
Switzerland Team Uri Frauen
Andrea Kaufmann Andrea Kaufmann
Midfield, 18 years
Switzerland vereinslos
Anja Kerr Anja Kerr
Midfield, 18 years
Switzerland vereinslos
Joëlle Meister Joëlle Meister
Midfield, 16 years
Switzerland FC Rapperswil-Jona
Debora Vogl Debora Vogl
Midfield, 17 years
Switzerland FC Luzern
Svenja Fölmli Svenja Fölmli
Striker (MS), 16 years
Switzerland SC Freiburg
Adriana Berbatovci Adriana Berbatovci
Striker, 17 years
Switzerland vereinslos
Jessica Lazri Jessica Lazri
Striker, 17 years
Vanessa Tran Vanessa Tran
Striker, 18 years
Switzerland pausiert
Laura Rosica Laura Rosica
Striker, 16 years
Vivien Baumann Vivien Baumann
Striker, 18 years
Switzerland vereinslos

Foreign players: 1 (5,9 %)

U19-Liga Schweiz 2018/2019

#   Club Matches Pts. diff
- BSC YB Frauen U19 (-2024) 21 61 91
- FC Luzern U19 (-2024) 20 42 26
- FC Zürich U19 (-2024) 20 38 8
- Grasshopper Club Zürich U19 (-2024) 20 34 8
- FCO St. Gallen U19 (-2024) 21 23 -3

Other 2018/2019

Top 3 Goal scorers
Adriana Berbatovci Adriana Berbatovci
Striker, 23 years
2 Goals
Lea van Weezenbeek Lea van Weezenbeek
Goalkeeper, 25 years
1 Goal
Michèle Schnider Michèle Schnider
Defence, 24 years
1 Goal

Transfer balance sheet 2018/2019

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

Matches 2018/2019

Back Matches Next
U19-Liga Schweiz - 1. Match day
18.08.18 - 18:00
FC Luzern U19 (-2024) 1:1
FC Luzern U19 (-2024)   FCO St. Gallen U19 (-2024)

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Luzia Odermatt Luzia Odermatt
Coach, 41 years
35 01.07.2018 30.06.2020 vereinslos to player profile