FC Kloten Switzerland - Fussballverband Region Zürich


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 31.03.2018.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of FC Kloten in the season 2017/2018

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Nina Bärtsch Nina Bärtsch
Goalkeeper (TW), 23 years
Switzerland FC Kloten
Romina Furrer Romina Furrer
Goalkeeper, 21 years
Switzerland FC Winterthur
Seraina Moscon Seraina Moscon
Goalkeeper, 23 years
Switzerland FC Kloten
Debora D Alessandri Debora D Alessandri
Defence, 20 years
Switzerland FC Kloten
Natasa Danilovic Natasa Danilovic
Defence, 16 years
Switzerland FC Kloten
Layla Hagge Layla Hagge
Defence, 16 years
Germany FC Kloten
Livia Russo Livia Russo
Defence, 21 years
Italy FC Winterthur
Jessica Krebs Jessica Krebs
Defence, 24 years
Switzerland FC Kloten
Melisa Demirayak Melisa Demirayak
Defence, 24 years
Switzerland FC Schlieren
Yasmine Bucher Yasmine Bucher
Defence, 22 years
Switzerland FC Kloten
Sabrina Bodenmann Sabrina Bodenmann
Defence, 26 years
Switzerland FC Kloten
Angela Amato Angela Amato
Defence, 23 years
FC Kloten
Mona Merckling Mona Merckling
Defence (IV), 22 years
Larissa Schläpfer Larissa Schläpfer
Midfield, 22 years
Switzerland FC Kloten
Nina Suter Nina Suter
Midfield, 23 years
Switzerland FC Schlieren
Fabienne Moscon Fabienne Moscon
Midfield, 25 years
Switzerland FC Kloten
Valeria Vock Valeria Vock
Midfield, 20 years
Switzerland FC Kloten
Nadine Zengaffinen Nadine Zengaffinen
Midfield, 22 years
Switzerland FC Kloten
Tanja Morf Tanja Morf
Midfield, 24 years
Switzerland FC Kloten
Nadine Baker Nadine Baker
Striker (MS), 25 years
Switzerland FC Kloten
Tanja Bärtsch Tanja Bärtsch
Striker, 23 years
Switzerland FC Schlieren II
Alessia Raffino Alessia Raffino
Striker, 21 years
FC Schlieren
Sonja Beer Sonja Beer
Striker, 22 years
Switzerland FC Winterthur
Lucia Schick Lucia Schick
Striker, 21 years
Switzerland FC Oerlikon/Polizei ZH
Leutrime Bushati Leutrime Bushati
Striker, 24 years
Switzerland FC Kloten

Foreign players: 3 (12,0 %)

Nationalliga B 2017/2018

#   Club Matches Pts. diff
- Frauenteam Thun Berner-Oberland 19 23 -6
- FC Walperswil 20 13 -49
10  - FC Aire-le-Lignon 20 9 -37
11  - FC Kloten 21 9 -38
12  - FC Amriswil 8 6 -17

Other 2017/2018

Top 3 Goal scorers
Nadine Baker Nadine Baker
Striker, 32 years
6 Goals
Sabrina Bodenmann Sabrina Bodenmann
Defence, 33 years
3 Goals
Sonja Beer Sonja Beer
Striker, 29 years
3 Goals

The performance in cup competitions

Competition Performance
Schweizer Cup 1st round

Matches 2017/2018

Back Matches Next
Schweizer Cup - 1st round
27.08.17 - 15:30
FF Toggenburg 4:2
FC Kloten
FF Toggenburg   FC Kloten

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Peter Wartmann Peter Wartmann
Coach, 54 years
47 01.07.2016 30.06.2019 vereinslos -