FC Freiburg-St. Georgen Germany - Südbadischer Fußball-Verband

 Oberliga Baden-Württemberg   


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 19.03.2025.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of FC Freiburg-St. Georgen in the season 2024/2025

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Sarah Berger Sarah Berger
Goalkeeper, 30 years
Germany FC Freiburg-St. Georgen
Linnea Heuschert Linnea Heuschert
FC Freiburg-St. Georgen
Luana Mertinatsch Luana Mertinatsch
Defence, 20 years
Germany FC Freiburg-St. Georgen
Maya Göttsching Maya Göttsching
Defence, 19 years
Germany FC Freiburg-St. Georgen
Nina Woitzik Nina Woitzik
Defence, 27 years
Germany FC Freiburg-St. Georgen
Johanna Braun Johanna Braun
Defence, 24 years
Germany FC Freiburg-St. Georgen
Sinah Amann Sinah Amann
Defence, 33 years
Germany FC Freiburg-St. Georgen
Marie Jung Marie Jung
Germany FC Freiburg St. Georgen II
Kanila Mahzouni Kanila Mahzouni
Midfield, 17 years
Sweden FC Freiburg-St. Georgen
Anna Rogee Anna Rogee
Midfield, 25 years
Germany FC Freiburg-St. Georgen
Meike Nestele Meike Nestele
Midfield, 27 years
Germany FC Freiburg-St. Georgen
Franziska Dorer Franziska Dorer
Midfield, 18 years
Germany FC Freiburg-St. Georgen
Kolbrún Tinna Eyjólfsdóttir Kolbrún Tinna Eyjólfsdóttir
Midfield, 25 years
Iceland FC Freiburg-St. Georgen
Leonie Widmann Leonie Widmann
Midfield, 19 years
Germany FC Freiburg-St. Georgen
Hannah Pfändler Hannah Pfändler
Midfield, 23 years
Germany FC Freiburg-St. Georgen
Leonie Leist Leonie Leist
Midfield, 19 years
Germany FC Freiburg-St. Georgen
Lara Locker Lara Locker
Midfield (OM), 19 years
Germany FC Freiburg-St. Georgen
Sabine Stoller Sabine Stoller
Midfield, 33 years
Germany FC Freiburg-St. Georgen
Selina Rau Selina Rau
Midfield, 21 years
Germany FC Freiburg-St. Georgen
Bente Essig Bente Essig
Midfield, 28 years
Germany FC Freiburg-St. Georgen
Laila Muchow Laila Muchow
Germany FC Freiburg-St. Georgen
Lea Rädle Lea Rädle
Midfield, 32 years
Germany FC Freiburg-St. Georgen
Emi Scheuer Emi Scheuer
Midfield, 19 years
Germany FC Freiburg-St. Georgen
Heidi Theiß Heidi Theiß
Striker, 18 years
Germany FC Freiburg-St. Georgen
Luca von Achten Luca von Achten
Striker, 22 years
Germany FC Freiburg-St. Georgen
Neele Koppa Neele Koppa
Striker, 17 years
Germany FC Freiburg-St. Georgen
Lina Rieckmann Lina Rieckmann
FC Freiburg-St. Georgen
Jana Kiefer Jana Kiefer
Striker, 28 years
Germany FC Freiburg-St. Georgen
Maly Wallem Maly Wallem
Striker, 19 years
Germany FC Freiburg-St. Georgen
Tamara Smigic Tamara Smigic
Striker -, 30 years
Serbia FC Freiburg-St. Georgen

Foreign players: 5 (16,7 %)

Oberliga Baden-Württemberg 2024/2025

#   Club Matches Pts. diff
- TSV Neuenstein 12 18 13
- SV Gottenheim 12 15 -12
- FC Freiburg-St. Georgen 12 14 -10
- Hegauer FV 12 12 -9
10  - Alemannia Freiburg-Zähringen 12 9 -10

Other 2024/2025

Top 3 Goal scorers
Anna Rogee Anna Rogee
Midfield, 25 years
2 Goals
Selina Rau Selina Rau
Midfield, 21 years
2 Goals
Sabine Stoller Sabine Stoller
Midfield, 33 years
1 Goal

Transfer balance sheet 2024/2025

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

Matches 2024/2025

Back Matches Next
Oberliga Baden-Württemberg - 1. Match day
15.09.24 - 14:00
FSV Waldebene 1:0
FC Freiburg-St. Georgen
FSV Waldebene Stuttgart Ost   FC Freiburg-St. Georgen

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Steven Rohrbach Steven Rohrbach
Coach, 28 years
28 01.07.2023 - FC Freiburg-St. Georgen -