FC Erzgebirge Aue Germany


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 14.03.2012.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of FC Erzgebirge Aue in the season 2011/2012

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Antonia Rieß Antonia Rieß
Germany unbekannt
Ivonne Hesse Ivonne Hesse
Goalkeeper (TW), 27 years
Germany Chemnitzer FC
Ronja Baumann Ronja Baumann
Goalkeeper (TW)
Germany unbekannt
Nadine Rösch Nadine Rösch
Midfield, 24 years
Germany unbekannt
Viviane Zenner Viviane Zenner
Midfield, 16 years
Germany unbekannt
Nadin Graf Nadin Graf
Midfield, 27 years
Germany Karriereende
Nadine Sonntag Nadine Sonntag
Germany unbekannt
Anne Harbeck Anne Harbeck
Midfield, 19 years
Germany unbekannt
Nicole Anger Nicole Anger
Midfield, 27 years
Germany Karriereende
Eyleen Rymek-Neef Eyleen Rymek-Neef
Midfield, 18 years
Germany vereinslos
Sarah Frenzel Sarah Frenzel
Germany unbekannt
Janin Auerswald Janin Auerswald
Midfield, 17 years
Germany FC Erzgebirge Aue
Chantal Catherine Martin Chantal Catherine Martin
Midfield, 21 years
Germany unbekannt
Sandra Eckelmann Sandra Eckelmann
Germany Karriereende
Katrin Stiehl Katrin Stiehl
Midfield, 31 years
Germany Karriereende
Lisa Schmiedel Lisa Schmiedel
Midfield, 20 years
Germany unbekannt
Tina Liebold Tina Liebold
Midfield, 23 years
Germany FC Erzgebirge Aue
Tina Kreißl Tina Kreißl
Germany unbekannt
Kathleen Buchmann Kathleen Buchmann
Midfield, 23 years
Germany vereinslos
Claudia Bochmann Claudia Bochmann
Germany unbekannt
Diana Berisha Diana Berisha
Midfield (TW), 7 years
Albania FC Kinostudio
Mandy Kunze Mandy Kunze
Germany FC Erzgebirge Aue

Foreign players: 1 (4,5 %)

Regionalliga Nordost 2011/2012

#   Club Matches Pts. diff
- Hallescher FC 22 36 10
- 1. FFC Fortuna Dresden 22 32 1
- FC Erzgebirge Aue 22 31 -8
- 1. FFV Erfurt 22 27 -17
- BSV Al-Dersimspor 22 27 -40

Other 2011/2012

Top 3 Goal scorers
Katrin Stiehl Katrin Stiehl
Midfield, 44 years
7 Goals
Lisa Schmiedel Lisa Schmiedel
Midfield, 33 years
6 Goals
Kathleen Buchmann Kathleen Buchmann
Midfield, 36 years
4 Goals

Transfer balance sheet 2011/2012

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

Matches 2011/2012

Back Matches Next
Regionalliga Nordost - 1. Match day
28.08.11 - 14:00
FC Erzgebirge Aue 4:5
Tennis Borussia Berlin
FC Erzgebirge Aue   Tennis Borussia Berlin

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Juliane Zimmermann Juliane Zimmermann
Assistant coach, 39 years
26 - 30.06.2022 vereinslos to player profile