FC Donop-Voßheide Germany - Fußball-und Leichtathletik-Verband Westfalen


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 04.03.2021.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of FC Donop-Voßheide in the season 2020/2021

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Katharina Fallapp Katharina Fallapp
Goalkeeper (TW), 18 years
Germany FC Donop-Voßheide
Annika Schlosser Annika Schlosser
Goalkeeper (TW), 22 years
Germany FC Donop-Voßheide II
Laura Brand Laura Brand
Goalkeeper (TW), 25 years
Germany FC Donop-Voßheide
Milena Szymkowiak Milena Szymkowiak
Defence, 23 years
Germany FC Donop-Voßheide
Joline Brocks Joline Brocks
Defence, 17 years
Germany FC Donop-Voßheide
Tina Rother Tina Rother
Defence, 23 years
Germany FSV Gütersloh 2009 II
Melanie Gutsch Melanie Gutsch
Defence, 31 years
Germany FC Donop-Voßheide
Nele Grauert Nele Grauert
Defence, 20 years
Germany FC Donop-Voßheide
Melina Schlüter Melina Schlüter
Defence, 19 years
Germany FC Donop-Voßheide
Christina Reinhardt Christina Reinhardt
Defence, 31 years
Germany FC Donop-Voßheide
Marina Niemeier Marina Niemeier
Defence, 32 years
Germany FC Donop-Voßheide
Jasmin Butz Jasmin Butz
Defence -
Germany FC Donop-Voßheide
Lea Stührenberg Lea Stührenberg
Defence, 17 years
Germany FC Donop-Voßheide
Janina Thermann Janina Thermann
Midfield, 19 years
Germany FC Donop-Voßheide
Genephe Mäder Genephe Mäder
Germany FC Donop-Voßheide
Jennifer Heidemann Jennifer Heidemann
Midfield, 22 years
Germany SC Bad Salzuflen
Jana Wiemann-Großpietsch Jana Wiemann-Großpietsch
Midfield, 39 years
Germany FC Donop-Voßheide
Charlotte Meier Charlotte Meier
Midfield, 21 years
Germany FC Donop-Voßheide
Amelie Böttcher Amelie Böttcher
Midfield, 28 years
Germany VfL Hiddesen
Selin-Aylin Kartin Selin-Aylin Kartin
Striker, 21 years
Germany TuS Eichholz-Remmighausen
Anna-Lena Meier Anna-Lena Meier
Striker, 24 years
Germany FSV Gütersloh 2009 II
Leonie Beyer Leonie Beyer
Striker, 18 years
Germany FC Donop-Voßheide
Lara Richts Lara Richts
Striker, 20 years
Germany FC Donop-Voßheide
Nele Busch Nele Busch
Striker (MS), 21 years
Germany Osnabrücker SC II


Westfalenliga 2020/2021

#   Club Matches Pts. diff
- SV Borussia Emsdetten 6 9 -5
- Herforder SV 6 8 4
- FC Donop-Voßheide 6 8 3
10  - DJK Arminia Ibbenbüren 5 8 2
11  - FSV Gütersloh 2009 II 6 8 1

Other 2020/2021

Top 3 Goal scorers
Milena Szymkowiak Milena Szymkowiak
Defence, 27 years
3 Goals
Jana Wiemann-Großpietsch Jana Wiemann-Großpietsch
Midfield, 43 years
2 Goals
Nele Busch Nele Busch
Striker, 25 years
2 Goals

Transfer balance sheet 2020/2021

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

Matches 2020/2021

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Westfalenliga - 7. Match day
FC Donop-Voßheide :
SV Germania Hauenhorst
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