FC Concordia Lausanne Switzerland


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 20.03.2021.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of FC Concordia Lausanne in the season 2020/2021

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Kelly Zbinden Kelly Zbinden
Goalkeeper, 29 years
Switzerland FC Concordia Lausanne
Nikita Pattaroni Nikita Pattaroni
Defence, 18 years
Switzerland FC Concordia Lausanne
Alexandra Behringer Alexandra Behringer
Defence, 21 years
Switzerland FC Concordia Lausanne
Nadia Bouzid Nadia Bouzid
Defence, 25 years
Switzerland FC Concordia Lausanne
Sara Brunner Sara Brunner
Defence, 17 years
Switzerland FC Concordia Lausanne
Julia Cridel Julia Cridel
Defence, 32 years
France FC Concordia Lausanne
Anina Gertsch Anina Gertsch
Defence, 26 years
Switzerland FC Concordia Lausanne
Alketa Morina Alketa Morina
Defence, 17 years
Kosovo FC Concordia Lausanne
Janique Henchoz Janique Henchoz
Defence, 26 years
Switzerland FC Concordia Lausanne
Melissa Wüthrich Melissa Wüthrich
Midfield, 22 years
Switzerland FC Concordia Lausanne
Elisabeth Dotto Elisabeth Dotto
Midfield, 20 years
Italy FC Concordia Lausanne
Céline Cuany Céline Cuany
Midfield, 28 years
Switzerland FC Concordia Lausanne
Joseline Granda Joseline Granda
Striker, 17 years
Spain FC Concordia Lausanne
Christelle Golay Christelle Golay
Striker, 21 years
Switzerland FC Concordia Lausanne
Serena Schipani Serena Schipani
Striker, 16 years
Italy FC Concordia Lausanne
Anse Peeters Anse Peeters
Striker, 18 years
Switzerland FC Concordia Lausanne
Audrey Nania Audrey Nania
Striker, 23 years
Italy FC Concordia Lausanne
Anais Vanderhaegen Anais Vanderhaegen
Striker, 31 years
Belgium FC Concordia Lausanne

Foreign players: 7 (38,9 %)

Transfer balance sheet 2020/2021

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

The performance in cup competitions

Competition Performance
Schweizer Cup last 16

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Antonio Maregrande Antonio Maregrande
Coach, 65 years
61 01.07.2020 30.06.2022 vereinslos -