FC Bitburg Germany - Fußballverband Rheinland


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 28.03.2021.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of FC Bitburg in the season 2020/2021

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Jana Toßing Jana Toßing
Goalkeeper, 17 years
Germany FC Bitburg
Annalena Schwall Annalena Schwall
Goalkeeper (TW), 22 years
Germany FC Bitburg
Elena Nosbisch Elena Nosbisch
Goalkeeper (TW), 23 years
Germany FC Bitburg
Lisa Nober Lisa Nober
Goalkeeper (TW), 36 years
Germany FC Bitburg II
Jessica Berscheid Jessica Berscheid
Defence (IV), 23 years
Luxembourg FC Bitburg
Gina Renschler Gina Renschler
Defence, 28 years
Germany FC Bitburg
Lisa Wengler Lisa Wengler
Defence, 28 years
Luxembourg FC Jeunesse Junglinster
Lina Hamm Lina Hamm
Defence, 19 years
Germany FC Bitburg
Elena Burg Elena Burg
Defence, 26 years
Germany FC Bitburg
Jana Hoffmann Jana Hoffmann
Defence, 29 years
Germany FC Bitburg
Marie Zeimens Marie Zeimens
Defence, 28 years
Germany FC Bitburg
Eva-Maria Meyers-Wallbrecher Eva-Maria Meyers-Wallbrecher
Defence, 28 years
Germany FC Bitburg
Andrea Ditscheid Andrea Ditscheid
Defence, 22 years
Germany FC Bitburg
Elisabeth Irmisch Elisabeth Irmisch
Defence, 35 years
Germany FC Bitburg
Luisa Cruchter Luisa Cruchter
Midfield, 22 years
Germany FC Bitburg
Marie Baustert Marie Baustert
Midfield, 30 years
Germany FC Bitburg
Miriam Margraff Miriam Margraff
Midfield, 22 years
Germany FC Bitburg
Anna Zeimmes Anna Zeimmes
Midfield, 26 years
Germany FC Bitburg
Jana Kraus Jana Kraus
Midfield, 20 years
Germany FC Bitburg
Nicole Bauler Nicole Bauler
Midfield, 21 years
Germany FC Bitburg
Marie Gerlach Marie Gerlach
Midfield, 20 years
Germany FC Bitburg II
Julia Schneider Julia Schneider
Midfield, 21 years
Germany FC Bitburg
Michelle Roth Michelle Roth
Midfield, 29 years
Germany FC Bitburg
Lara Nikolay Lara Nikolay
Midfield, 22 years
Germany FC Bitburg
Denise Fuchs Denise Fuchs
Midfield, 24 years
Germany SV Ober-Olm
Christine Thielen Christine Thielen
Germany FC Bitburg
Madeleine Kuhl Madeleine Kuhl
Midfield, 26 years
Germany FC Bitburg
Jennifer Gerten Jennifer Gerten
Midfield (DM), 26 years
Germany FC Bitburg
Sophia Lützen Sophia Lützen
Midfield, 23 years
Germany FC Bitburg
Anika Esch Anika Esch
Midfield, 19 years
Germany pausiert
Tamara Ney Tamara Ney
Midfield, 31 years
Germany FC Bitburg
Dominique Neu Dominique Neu
Midfield, 30 years
Germany FC Bitburg
Julia Baustert Julia Baustert
Midfield, 27 years
Germany FC Bitburg
Julia Keil Julia Keil
Midfield, 23 years
Germany FC Jeunesse Junglinster
Maria-Chiara Baldino Maria-Chiara Baldino
Striker, 23 years
Germany TuS Büppel

Foreign players: 2 (5,7 %)

Regionalliga Südwest 2020/2021

#   Club Matches Pts. diff
11  - SV Dirmingen 5 6 -8
12  - SV Holzbach 5 3 -7
13  - FC Bitburg 4 3 -15
14  - SG Fidei 2015 6 3 -21
15  - SC Siegelbach 6 1 -8

Other 2020/2021

Top 3 Goal scorers
Julia Keil Julia Keil
Midfield, 27 years
2 Goals

Transfer balance sheet 2020/2021

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

Matches 2020/2021

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Regionalliga Südwest - 6. Match day
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SV Göttelborn
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