FC Bergedorf 85 Germany - Hamburger Fußball-Verband


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 28.03.2011.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of FC Bergedorf 85 in the season 2010/2011

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Jasmin Hadrous Jasmin Hadrous
Goalkeeper (TW), 21 years
Germany pausiert
Jacqueline Polzin Jacqueline Polzin
Defence, 22 years
Germany Walddörfer SV
Cindy Werth Cindy Werth
Defence, 22 years
Germany Karriereende
Kim Koschmieder Kim Koschmieder
Defence (IV), 22 years
Germany FC St. Pauli II
Michelle Pfeifer Michelle Pfeifer
Defence (RV), 20 years
Germany unbekannt
Finn Müller Finn Müller
Defence, 18 years
FC St. Pauli II
Sanja Albrecht Sanja Albrecht
Defence, 25 years
Germany unbekannt
Gesa Ehlers Gesa Ehlers
Germany unbekannt
Madleen Rohde Madleen Rohde
Defence, 28 years
Germany FC St. Pauli II
Sibel Exposito Sibel Exposito
Defence, 28 years
Germany Karriereende
Amelie Leist Amelie Leist
Midfield, 22 years
Germany unbekannt
Sabrina Brelle Sabrina Brelle
Germany unbekannt
Jeanette Prahs Jeanette Prahs
Midfield, 21 years
Germany Karriereende
Nurdan Zielke Nurdan Zielke
Midfield (OM), 18 years
Germany vereinslos
Katharina Schramm Katharina Schramm
Midfield, 16 years
Germany unbekannt
Kira Manns Kira Manns
Germany TSG Burg Gretesch II
Wiebke Korthals Wiebke Korthals
Midfield, 23 years
Germany SC Nienstedten
Jasmin Witting Jasmin Witting
Midfield, 20 years
Germany unbekannt
Amely Mandy Jaekel Amely Mandy Jaekel
Midfield, 17 years
Germany Hamburger SV III
Sabine Grelck Sabine Grelck
Midfield, 38 years
Germany Karriereende
Carolin Schimmel Carolin Schimmel
Midfield, 28 years
Germany Karriereende
Christina Arp Christina Arp
Germany unbekannt
Sarah Scheerer Sarah Scheerer
Striker, 21 years
Germany SV Wilhelmsburg
Maria Albrecht Maria Albrecht
Striker (MS), 21 years
Germany Karriereende


Regionalliga Nord 2010/2011

#   Club Matches Pts. diff
- Hamburger SV III 22 43 20
- VfL Oythe 22 34 1
- FC Bergedorf 85 22 32 6
- SV Ahlerstedt/Ottendorf 22 31 0
- TV Jahn Delmenhorst 22 24 -13

Other 2010/2011

Top 3 Goal scorers
Cindy Werth Cindy Werth
Defence, 36 years
13 Goals
Maria Albrecht Maria Albrecht
Striker, 35 years
12 Goals
Sabine Grelck Sabine Grelck
Midfield, 52 years
7 Goals

Transfer balance sheet 2010/2011

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

Matches 2010/2011

Back Matches Next
Regionalliga Nord - 1. Match day
22.08.10 - 11:00
FC Bergedorf 85 0:1
SV Ahlerstedt/Ottendorf
FC Bergedorf 85   SV Ahlerstedt/Ottendorf

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Marco Strauer Marco Strauer
Coach, ?
- - 30.06.2012 vereinslos -
Mato Mitrovic Mato Mitrovic
Coach, ?
- - 30.06.2014 vereinslos -
Marc Gabucan Marc Gabucan
Coach, ?
- - 30.06.2023 Concordia Hamburg -