Etoile Carouge FC Switzerland

 Nationalliga B   Schweizer Cup   


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 19.03.2025.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of Etoile Carouge FC in the season 2024/2025

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Ines Borges Ines Borges
Goalkeeper (TW), 23 years
Portugal Etoile Carouge FC
Floriane Azem Floriane Azem
Goalkeeper (TW), 27 years
France Etoile Carouge FC
Stacy Demange Stacy Demange
Defence, 25 years
Switzerland Servette FC Chênois Féminin II
Chérine Hammi Chérine Hammi
Defence, 20 years
France Etoile Carouge FC
Sanah Ben Mohamed Sanah Ben Mohamed
Defence, 21 years
France Etoile Carouge FC
Danya Sbai Danya Sbai
Defence, 29 years
Switzerland Etoile Carouge FC
Jessica Ferrari Jessica Ferrari
Defence, 23 years
Switzerland Etoile Carouge FC
Alexia Sciboz Alexia Sciboz
Defence, 32 years
France Etoile Carouge FC
Ngombo Jeanissy Soares Ngombo Jeanissy Soares
Defence, 19 years
Angola Etoile Carouge FC
Giulia Pezzotta Giulia Pezzotta
Defence, 27 years
Italy Etoile Carouge FC
Leila Marrel Leila Marrel
Defence, 23 years
Switzerland Etoile Carouge FC
Yasmina Laaroussi Yasmina Laaroussi
Defence, 31 years
Etoile Carouge FC
Charlynn Alpstäg Charlynn Alpstäg
Defence, 24 years
Switzerland Etoile Carouge FC
Elsa Muharremi Elsa Muharremi
Defence, 17 years
Kosovo Etoile Carouge FC
Leandra Babarro Leandra Babarro
Defence, 24 years
Switzerland Etoile Carouge FC
Léna Antonio Léna Antonio
Defence, 19 years
Switzerland Etoile Carouge FC
Alexia Burtin Alexia Burtin
Defence, 26 years
France Etoile Carouge FC
Calista Virlouvet Calista Virlouvet
Defence, 25 years
France Etoile Carouge FC
Élodie Policarpo Élodie Policarpo
Midfield (ZM), 35 years
France Etoile Carouge FC
Suzana Petrovic Suzana Petrovic
Midfield, 26 years
Serbia Etoile Carouge FC
Alina Lutz Alina Lutz
Midfield, 18 years
Switzerland Etoile Carouge FC
Emilie Fortis Emilie Fortis
Midfield, 20 years
Switzerland Servette FC Chênois Féminin U20
Gwenaël Martinez Meunier Gwenaël Martinez Meunier
Midfield, 26 years
Spain Etoile Carouge FC
Camille Broquet Camille Broquet
Midfield (LV), 32 years
Switzerland Etoile Carouge FC
Laura Rosset Laura Rosset
Midfield, 24 years
Switzerland Etoile Carouge FC
Camille Dominguez Camille Dominguez
Midfield, 31 years
Switzerland Etoile Carouge FC
Talia Aguilar Talia Aguilar
Midfield, 25 years
Switzerland Etoile Carouge FC
Giada Peverelli Giada Peverelli
Striker, 19 years
Switzerland Etoile Carouge FC
Naja Brooks Naja Brooks
Striker, 18 years
Denmark Etoile Carouge FC
Marion Lesaffre Marion Lesaffre
Striker, 21 years
Switzerland Etoile Carouge FC
Marina Bonanno Marina Bonanno
Striker, 22 years
Switzerland Etoile Carouge FC
Grace Emmanuela Gnaore Grace Emmanuela Gnaore
Striker, 25 years
Cote d'Ivoire Etoile Carouge FC
Cintia Isabel Lopes Ferreira Cintia Isabel Lopes Ferreira
Striker, 25 years
Portugal Etoile Carouge FC
Maeva Sogan Maeva Sogan
Striker, 20 years
Switzerland Yverdon Sport FC
Léonie Fleury Léonie Fleury
Striker, 28 years
France Etoile Carouge FC
Veronique Recimil Magarinos Veronique Recimil Magarinos
Striker, 19 years
Spain Etoile Carouge FC
Nathalie Badate Nathalie Badate
Striker, 33 years
Togo Etoile Carouge FC
Danaé Wohlschlag Danaé Wohlschlag
Striker, 21 years
Switzerland Etoile Carouge FC

Foreign players: 20 (52,6 %)

Nationalliga B 2024/2025

#   Club Matches Pts. diff
- Yverdon Sport FC 16 39 35
- FC Schlieren 16 31 9
- Etoile Carouge FC 16 31 0
- FC Winterthur 16 22 4
- FC Sion 15 22 -3

Other 2024/2025

Top 3 Goal scorers
Élodie Policarpo Élodie Policarpo
Midfield, 35 years
8 Goals
Maeva Sogan Maeva Sogan
Striker, 20 years
7 Goals
Marina Bonanno Marina Bonanno
Striker, 22 years
2 Goals

Transfer balance sheet 2024/2025

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

The performance in cup competitions

Competition Performance
Schweizer Cup 2nd round

Matches 2024/2025

Back Matches Next
Nationalliga B - 1. Match day
10.08.24 - 18:00
FC Schlieren 4:0
Etoile Carouge FC
FC Schlieren   Etoile Carouge FC

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Benamar Belabbas Benamar Belabbas
Coach, 39 years
39 01.01.2024 - Etoile Carouge FC -