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Infobox: Here you can find a statistic about the percentage of foreign players in the competitions all over the world..
Die Statistik bezieht sich auf die 1.Nationalität einer Spielerin!

Foreign player statistics

from country Number Share Top player
Finland Finland 16 47,1%
Inka Sarjanoja Inka Sarjanoja
Eskilstuna United
United States United States 7 20,6%
Rowan Lapi Rowan Lapi
KIF Örebro DFF
Bosnia-Herzegovina Bosnia-Herzegovina 3 8,8%
Emina Trumić Emina Trumić
Eskilstuna United
Germany Germany 1 2,9%
Charlene Nowotny Charlene Nowotny
Mallbackens IF Sunne
Uganda Uganda 1 2,9%
Ritah Kivumbi Ritah Kivumbi
Mallbackens IF Sunne
Norway Norway 1 2,9%
Helene Gross-Benberg Helene Gross-Benberg
KIF Örebro DFF
Netherlands Netherlands 1 2,9%
Sheila van den Bulk Sheila van den Bulk
Eskilstuna United
New Zealand New Zealand 1 2,9%
Gabi Rennie Gabi Rennie
Eskilstuna United
Switzerland Switzerland 1 2,9%
Anna Sutter Anna Sutter
Eskilstuna United
Denmark Denmark 1 2,9%
Maja Baun Maja Baun
Umeå IK
Algeria Algeria 1 2,9%
Hanna Boubezari Hanna Boubezari
Team TG FF