Calcio Chiasiellis (-2014) Italy


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 05.03.2012.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of Calcio Chiasiellis (-2014) in the season 2011/2012

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Gloria Baradel Gloria Baradel
Goalkeeper (TW), 19 years
Italy vereinslos
Stefania Blancuzzi Stefania Blancuzzi
Goalkeeper (TW), 30 years
Italy Karriereende
Rita Caravilla Rita Caravilla
Goalkeeper (TW), 39 years
Italy Karriereende
Sara Gama Sara Gama
Defence (IV), 22 years
Italy Juventus FC
Jessica Desinano Jessica Desinano
Defence, 20 years
Italy vereinslos
Elena Virgili Elena Virgili
Defence, 16 years
Italy US Triestina Calcio 1918
Arianna Cencig Arianna Cencig
Defence, 16 years
Italy Karriereende
Giorgia Simonato Giorgia Simonato
Defence, 30 years
Italy vereinslos
Piera Cassandra Maglio Piera Cassandra Maglio
Defence, 36 years
Italy Karriereende
Elisa Lavia Elisa Lavia
Defence, 33 years
Italy Karriereende
Laura Donghi Laura Donghi
Defence, 31 years
Italy Karriereende
Valeria Magrini Valeria Magrini
Defence, 27 years
Italy vereinslos
Valeria Degano Valeria Degano
Midfield, 22 years
Italy vereinslos
Silvia Berardo Silvia Berardo
Midfield, 26 years
Italy Portogruaro Calcio
Cristina Miani Cristina Miani
Midfield, 26 years
Italy vereinslos
Evelyn Vicchiarello Evelyn Vicchiarello
Midfield, 25 years
Italy vereinslos
Giulia Domenichetti Giulia Domenichetti
Midfield, 27 years
Italy Karriereende
Priscilla Del Prete Priscilla Del Prete
Striker, 25 years
Italy Karriereende
Elena Cester Elena Cester
Striker, 28 years
Italy vereinslos
Marta Mason Marta Mason
Striker, 19 years
Italy Karriereende
Michella Zanetti Michella Zanetti
Striker, 20 years
Italy US Triestina Calcio 1918
Anja Milenkovič Anja Milenkovič
Striker, 29 years
Slovenia Karriereende

Foreign players: 1 (4,5 %)

Serie A 2011/2012

#   Club Matches Pts. diff
- ASD Mozzanica 26 43 6
- Torino Women 26 40 -1
- Calcio Chiasiellis (-2014) 26 35 -3
- ASD ACF Como (-2020) 26 29 -14
- ACF Firenze (-2015) 26 26 -17

Transfer balance sheet 2011/2012

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

Matches 2011/2012

Back Matches Next
Serie A - 1. Match day
08.10.11 - 16:00
Chiasiellis 0:3
Brescia CF
Calcio Chiasiellis (-2014)   Brescia CF

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Fabio Franti Fabio Franti
Coach, ?
- 01.07.2011 30.06.2012 vereinslos -