1. FC Union Berlin

8 Anouk Blaschka

1. FC Union Berlin , 2. Bundesliga (Germany)
Current national player: Nein
Lisa Heiseler Sophie Trojahn

The profile for Anouk Blaschka

Anouk Blaschka
© 1. FC Union Berlin
Date of birth: 21.10.2003
Age: 21
Height: 1,76
Nationality: - Germany
Position: Midfield
Foot: right
Market value: unknown
Contract until: 30.06.2025
Debut (Club): 20.08.2023

Performance info for this season

Competition Matches - - - - -
2. Bundesliga 9 - - 9 - 122 

 to full performance data

Injury history

Season from until Injury
18/19 17.04.2019 30.06.2019 Malleolar fracture