FCF White Star Woluwé - WB Sinaai Girls
Total market value:  0
ø-Market value:  0
Number of players:  29 (1 Foreign players)
ø-Age:  24.1 years
Founded:  00.00.0000
Members:  ?
Transfer balance sheet:  +/- 0
Platzierung:  12. rank - 26 Matches - 19 Points - 37:67 Goals - BeNe League Red
BeNe League Red - 20. Match day
Sa, 03.03.2012 - 00:00
Stade Fallon
Total capacity: 3.165
Referee: Still open
 :Total market value
0  :ø-Market value
7 (1 Foreign players)  :Number of players
35.4 years  :ø-Age
00.00.1988  :Founded
?  :Members
+/- 0  :Transfer balance sheet
5. rank - 26 Matches - 43 Points - 51:43 Goals - BeNe League Red  :Platzierung

Squad of FCF White Star Woluwé
# Pos Name Age Height Nat. Market value in the team
29 TW Sofie Tans 23 1,66 BEL - 2023 - ?
1 TW Zélie Lambert 23 BEL - 2023 - ?
22 IV Clotilde Codden 33 1,65 BEL - 2022 - ?
17 Ellen Charlier 31 1,73 BEL - 2023 - ?
2 Clémence Burniaux BEL - ?
6 Lisa Despret 25 BEL - 2022 ?
3 Lore Schoovaerts 20 BEL - ?
4 Anouck Cochez 27 1,61 BEL - ?
13 Chiara Steyvers 27 BEL - 2023 - ?
15 Lotte Michiels 28 1,61 BEL - 2021 - ?
21 Lies Bongaerts 23 BEL - 2021 - ?
5 Britt Vanhamel 29 1,77 BEL - 2023 - ?
2 OM Lina Haulani 19 MAR - ?
42 Florine Carlier 19 BEL - 2023 - ?
16 Lea Fregesse 20 BEL - ?
36 Alexia Dooms 17 BEL - ?
25 Eugénie Verstraelen 21 BEL - ?
23 Charlotte Mahieu 23 BEL - ?
56 Céliane De Wilde 21 BEL - ?
12 Daphné Wertbrouck 26 BEL - 2022 ?
0 Océane Prenen 20 BEL - 2023 - ?
10 Ambre de Meester 21 BEL - ?
11 Selina Gijsbrechts 27 1,64 BEL - ?
10 Marie Bougard 28 1,89 BEL - ?
20 Jorien Voets 21 1,66 BEL - 2023 - ?
14 Stefanie Deville 31 1,64 BEL - 2020 ?
8 Camille Dinjart 26 BEL - ?
27 Céline Verdonck 31 1,69 BEL - 2020 - ?
9 Kenza Vrithof 24 1,66 BEL - 2023 - ?

Trainer of FCF White Star Woluwé
Name Age Nat. Function Appointed Contract until
Audrey Demoustier 39 BEL Trainer 08.06.2022 ?
last 5 matchups
03.03.2012 WS Woluwé Sinaai 0:2
15.10.2011 Sinaai WS Woluwé 1:0

balance sheet of FCF White Star Woluwé against WB Sinaai Girls
  Matches draw Sinaai
Home 1 0 0 1
Away 1 0 0 1
Total 2 0 0 2

Last 5 results: FCF White Star Woluwé
03.05.2024 WS Woluwé RSC Charleroi 0:3
27.04.2024 Zulte Waregem WS Woluwé 0:1
19.04.2024 WS Woluwé KV Mechelen 2:0
13.04.2024 KV Mechelen WS Woluwé 4:0
29.03.2024 WS Woluwé Zulte Waregem 1:0

Last 5 results: WB Sinaai Girls
19.05.2012 WB Sinaai Girls RSCA Women 1:4
12.05.2012 VV Rassing H. WB Sinaai Girls 0:5
21.04.2012 WB Sinaai Girls Zulte Waregem 0:2
14.04.2012 St. Truiden WB Sinaai Girls 2:1
07.04.2012 WB Sinaai Girls Lierse SK 2:4

Squad of WB Sinaai Girls
# Pos Name Age Height Nat. Market value in the team
0 TW Alice Evans 30 WAL - 2015 - ?
0 Steffi de Pelsmaecker 33 BEL - ?
0 Charlotte van Wynsberghe 33 BEL - ?
0 Imke Borms 37 BEL - ?
0 Wiene van Gyse 34 BEL - ?
0 Vicky Tas 41 BEL - ?
0 Nathalie Vanderstappen 36 BEL - ?

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