ASPTT Albi (-2021) France - Ligue de Midi-Pyrénées


The age of the players and the staff is referring to 26.03.2017.

Incorrect or missing information can with the Squad correction form be entered.

Squad of ASPTT Albi (-2021) in the season 2016/2017

# Name / Position Nation Current club
Gabrielle Lambert Gabrielle Lambert
Goalkeeper (TW), 23 years
Canada Montreal Roses FC
Walimata Seye Walimata Seye
Goalkeeper, 30 years
Senegal unbekannt
Cindy Perrault Cindy Perrault
Goalkeeper (TW), 21 years
France EA Guingamp
Emylie Girard Emylie Girard
Defence, 24 years
France unbekannt
Angélique Schlepp Angélique Schlepp
Defence, 22 years
France Grenoble Foot 38
Manon Cazes Manon Cazes
Defence, 21 years
France Montauban FCTG
Aïvi Mitchai Aïvi Mitchai
Defence, 26 years
France unbekannt
Anais Arcambal Anais Arcambal
Defence, 24 years
France unbekannt
Coline Gouineau Coline Gouineau
Defence, 20 years
France Karriereende
Manon Rouzies Manon Rouzies
Defence, 24 years
France US Colomiers
Laurianne Cervera Laurianne Cervera
Defence, 24 years
France US Colomiers
Alexandra Renault Alexandra Renault
Defence, 26 years
France vereinslos
Myriam Benlazar Myriam Benlazar
Midfield, 21 years
Laura Condon Laura Condon
Midfield (DM), 20 years
France FEC Bastiais
Tatiana Solanet Tatiana Solanet
Midfield, 24 years
France Toulouse FC
Bettina Matondo Bettina Matondo
Midfield, 20 years
France unbekannt
Laura Rueda Laura Rueda
Midfield, 17 years
US Saint-Malo
Maëva Manuel Maëva Manuel
Midfield, 20 years
France vereinslos
Kristina Pantelić Kristina Pantelić
Midfield, 19 years
Serbia AS Cannes
Milica Mijatović Milica Mijatović
Midfield (OM), 25 years
Patricia Martínez Patricia Martínez
Striker, 27 years
Spain vereinslos
Leticia Ledamba Leticia Ledamba
Striker, 21 years
Congo unbekannt
Pilar Khoury Pilar Khoury
Striker (MS), 22 years
RC Strasbourg
Marion Braunwart Marion Braunwart
Striker, 19 years
France US Colomiers
Kimberley Cazeau Kimberley Cazeau
Striker, 23 years
France Albi Marssac Tarn Football ASPTT

Foreign players: 8 (32,0 %)

Première Ligue 2016/2017

#   Club Matches Pts. diff
- Rodez AF 22 21 -34
- FC Girondins de Bordeaux 22 16 -29
10  - ASPTT Albi (-2021) 22 16 -42
11  - AS Saint-Étienne 22 15 -30
12  - FC Metz 22 12 -46

Other 2016/2017

Top 3 Goal scorers
Tatiana Solanet Tatiana Solanet
Midfield, 32 years
1 Goal

Transfer balance sheet 2016/2017

Transfer balance sheet
Transfer revenue: 0
Transfer expenditures 0
Transferbilanz +/- 0

Matches 2016/2017

Back Matches Next
Première Ligue - 1. Match day
10.09.16 - 19:00
ASPTT Albi (-2021) 0:4
Paris Saint-Germain
ASPTT Albi (-2021)   Paris Saint-Germain

Coaches that worked with this club this season

Name / Job Age Nat. Appointed Left club Current club was a player
Adolphe Ogouyon Adolphe Ogouyon
Coach, ?
- 01.07.2016 30.06.2017 unbekannt -