AS Saint-Étienne

19 Nadjma Ali Nadjim

AS Saint-Étienne , Première Ligue (France)
Current national player: Nein
Cindy Caputo Djenna Léna Tene

The profile for Nadjma Ali Nadjim

Nadjma Ali Nadjim
Photo: unknown
Date of birth: 19.09.1994
Place of birth: Marseille -
Age: 30
Height: 1,61
Nationality: - France
Position: Striker
Foot: both
Market value: 35.000 €
Contract until: 30.06.2025
: 17.06.2023
Debut (Club): 28.09.2024

National team career

SN National team Matches Goals
- - Frankreich 1 0
- - Frankreich U23 4 1

Performance info for this season

Competition Matches - - - - -
Première Ligue 1 - - 1 - 45 

 to full performance data

Injury history

Season from until Injury
14/15 02.08.2014 31.01.2015 Cruciate Ligament Rupture