DFC Leoben - SV Gloggnitz
Total market value:  0
ø-Market value:  0
Number of players:  9 (3 Foreign players)
ø-Age:  27.6 years
Founded:  07.06.1977
Members:  ?
Transfer balance sheet:  +/- 0
Platzierung:  5. rank - 22 Matches - 33 Points - 38:30 Goals - 2. Liga Ost/Süd
2. Liga Ost/Süd - 21. Match day
So, 20.05.2012 - 00:00
DSV Stadion Donawitz
Total capacity: 0
Referee: Still open
 :Total market value
0  :ø-Market value
4 (1 Foreign players)  :Number of players
23.8 years  :ø-Age
01.11.2000  :Founded
?  :Members
+/- 0  :Transfer balance sheet
6. rank - 22 Matches - 28 Points - 47:40 Goals - 2. Liga Ost/Süd  :Platzierung

Squad of DFC Leoben
# Pos Name Age Height Nat. Market value in the team
0 Martina Ilic 28 AUT - 2013 - ?
0 Sanda Jovanovic 31 1,70 SRB - 2018 - ?
0 Lisa Neuhauser 32 AUT - 2019 - ?
0 Sabrina Holzer 28 AUT - 2013 - ?
13 Emina Todorovic 37 SVN - 2013 - ?
21 Sarah Halsegger 28 AUT - ?
18 Sandra Raith 30 AUT - 2012 - ?
0 Melanie Erker 30 AUT - 2013 - ?
0 Jelena Nikolic SRB - 2015 - ?
last 5 matchups
20.05.2012 DFCL SVG 4:0
30.10.2011 SVG DFCL 3:0
11.09.2011 DFCL SVG 9:10
18.03.2007 SVG DFCL 0:2
20.08.2006 DFCL SVG 0:0

balance sheet of DFC Leoben against SV Gloggnitz
  Matches DFCL draw SVG
Home 3 1 1 1
Away 2 1 0 1
Total 5 2 1 2

Last 5 results: DFC Leoben
08.06.2014 DFC Leoben St. Pölten II 0:10
25.05.2014 DFC Leoben WS Bruck/Leitha 1:2
18.05.2014 ATSV Hollabrunn DFC Leoben 4:3
11.05.2014 DFC Leoben Neustadt/Glogg. 1:2
04.05.2014 Landhaus/Wien b DFC Leoben 0:2

Last 5 results: SV Gloggnitz
27.08.2012 ASK Baumgarten SV Gloggnitz 0:3
01.06.2012 SV Gloggnitz SC/ESV Parndorf 0:0
20.05.2012 DFC Leoben SV Gloggnitz 4:0
13.05.2012 SV Gloggnitz ASV Hornstein 0:1
05.05.2012 FC Südbgld. 1b SV Gloggnitz 2:4

Top 3 Goal scorers: SV Gloggnitz
Anita Eisinger 8 Appearances 4 Goals
Squad of SV Gloggnitz
# Pos Name Age Height Nat. Market value in the team
0 TW Kathrin Haiden AUT - 2008 ?
0 Dilber Nevenka 30 - ?
0 Kristina Schalbauer 29 AUT - ?
0 Anita Eisinger 34 1,71 AUT - ?

Trainer of SV Gloggnitz
Name Age Nat. Function Appointed Contract until
Gerhard Wagner AUT Trainer ?

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