- ŽNK Ljubljana
Total market value:  0
ø-Market value:  0
Number of players:   ( Foreign players)
ø-Age:   years
Founded:  00.00.1999
Members:  ?
Transfer balance sheet:  +/- 0
1. SŽNL - 2. Match day
Sa, 27.08.2022 - 17:00
Gornja Radgona
Total capacity: 1.000
Referee: Still open
 :Total market value
0  :ø-Market value
8 (0 Foreign players)  :Number of players
25.2 years  :ø-Age
00.00.0000  :Founded
?  :Members
+/- 0  :Transfer balance sheet

Squad of
last 5 matchups
27.08.2022 Pomurje Ljubljana 1:0
15.05.2022 Ljubljana Pomurje 0:6
31.10.2021 Ljubljana Pomurje 1:3
29.08.2021 Pomurje Ljubljana 6:0

balance sheet of against ŽNK Ljubljana
  Matches draw
Home 2 2 0 0
Away 2 2 0 0
Total 4 4 0 0

Last 5 results:
21.10.2022 Pomurje Olimpija 2:1
16.10.2022 ND Primorje Pomurje 0:9
02.10.2022 Pomurje Radomlje 6:0
25.09.2022 Cerklje Pomurje 0:13
18.09.2022 Pomurje Krim 18:0

Last 5 results: ŽNK Ljubljana
23.10.2022 Ljubljana ND Primorje 6:0
15.10.2022 Ljubljana Cerklje 2:0
01.10.2022 Ptuj Ljubljana 1:15
25.09.2022 Ljubljana Olimpija 2:5
18.09.2022 Radomlje Ljubljana 0:3

Squad of ŽNK Ljubljana
# Pos Name Age Height Nat. Market value in the team
13 Pamela Begič 30 1,83 SVN - 2021 - ?
29 Eva Vamberger 30 1,78 SVN - 2022 - ?
0 Lara Klopčič 23 SVN - 2023 - ?
0 Mirjam Kastelec 22 SVN - 2021 ?
0 Gala Dasovič Ravnik 18 SVN - ?
18 Tjaša Tibaut 36 SVN - 2021 - ?
0 Patria Steklačič 21 SVN - 2023 ?
0 Katjuša Kern 18 SVN - ?

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