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09.02.2024 - 10:10 Uhr | News | Quelle: Soccerdonna
Terms and conditions: Instagram - Blackstenius shirt

2. The jersey raffle is in no way connected to Instagram and Facebook and is not sponsored, advertised or controlled by Facebook. Correspondingly, neither Instagram nor Facebook are available as a contact partner regarding the jersey rafffle and the participant cannot constitute any claims towards Facebook.
3. Participants of the jersey raffle have to be at least 18 years of age. Employees and representatives of Transfermarkt GmbH & Co. KG are excluded from participating.
4. The prize is one jersey of Arsenal‘s Stina Blackstenius. There will be one winner for the raffle, who wins the jersey. The prize is non-transferable and cannot be replaced.
5. The jersey raffle will start on February 9th 2024 and will be terminated with the expiry of February 16th 2024. Transfermarkt GmbH & Co. KG reserves the right to increase or shorten this timeframe. Material prizes cannot be paid out in cash. Later entries will not be considered for the jersey raffle, regardless of the reason for the delay. Transfermarkt GmbH & Co. KG cannot be held accountable for technical malfunction, particularly failures of the jersey.
6. The correlating posts must not violate the rights of third parties.
7. Everyone, who abided to the mechanics and the deadline of participation, in relation to the respective Instagram post/story, will take part in the jersey raffle. The participation through third parties, for example lottery agencies, is ruled out. Only a single participation per person and per jersey raffle is allowed. In case of multiple registrations, a participant can be excluded from the jersey raffle.
8. The winner will be picked randomly, according to the mechanics of participation described below the post, and will be noticed through an Instagram comment and a private message.
9. The winner will be announced through a comment under the respective post of the jersey raffle within 7 days after the deadline. The transfer of the prize will happen if the winner sends his/her real first and last name within 7 days of the confirmation of the win through a private message on Instagram. If wrong personal data gets transmitted, the participant can be excluded from the prize game. Otherwise, Transfermarkt GmbH & Co. KG are entitled to choose a new winner.
10. The transmitted personal data, which is needed for the execution of the jersey raffle, will only be used for this cause.
11. The decisions of Transfermarkt GmbH & Co. KG are final. Requests regarding this cannot be answered. Transfermarkt GmbH & Co. KG reserves the right to suspend the jersey raffle completely or temporarily, if any difficulties appear that endanger the integrity of the jersey raffle.
12. Any punitive damages of Transfermarkt GmbH & Co. KG and its organs, employees and accomplices based on or associated with the jersey raffle, regardless of their legal basis, are excluded and apart from that, as far as even provided for by statute, restricted to cases of intent and culpable negligence. Transfermarkt GmbH & Co. KG is not liable for legal and material defects. The announcement of the winner will happen without liability.
13. If these conditions of participation are violated, Transfermarkt GmbH & Co. KG reserves the right to exclude persons from the jersey raffle (also without giving any reasons). Good luck!
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